
Friday, December 14, 2012

My top tech tools for 2012... part 1

As the end of the year approaches, I think it is only appropriate that I look back through the year and evaluate some of the tech tools I have used in class successfully.   I have tried a lot of them, some were huge hits, others not so much, so let's do a quick review of what has worked for me. I am splitting it into two parts. 

CLEAR RIA tools.   I can't say enough positive things about CLEAR, especially the audio dropbox.  it has saved me a lot of time roaming the room.  I can let the kids practice, record themselves and then grade it. It is a fantastic concept.

Edmodo.  My kids don't always appreciate the site, sometimes they whine when I instruct them to login and get their assignment, but, I like the many options it offers:   Links, the ability to embed things (such as audio dropbox) , a library you can save and share, the capability of adding files, making quizzes that self grade, need I say more?  I love the communities offered and the many people you can collaborate with.  The PLN building is fantastic. I could go on and on.

Twitter.  Yes, twitter.  I can't live without it.   I love, love, love the PLN I have built.  The fantastic collaboration, weekly meetings and PD I receive from people I don't know but connect with.  I enjoy the ability to make a statement and get 15 people saying how they handle it.  It is wonderful.  I love the diversity of my PLN.  I have met some fantastic colleagues who I feel closer to than my co-workers (I am the only French teacher and the only librarian, so I really don't have a lot of people who I can collaborate with.)  My students like this one.  I like the ease, and the digest.  We chat, we practice skills and then, I get an email with the final version.  I grade it, we are done.  I really think if you are doing any form of collaborating in your classes or are doing a chat with other schools, look at this.  It is really cool.

That's it for today.  I am going to continue Tuesday with part two and then, because I get to have final exams next week and holidays following, I am taking a few weeks off. 

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