
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Have you seen SMORE?

First of all, before I get going, I want to apologize to my readers for not posting something lately.  I have been so busy in the library and teaching that I had to readjust my priorities.  I am hoping after state reports are done and my assistant and I can get back into our daily grove, things will be back to normal and I have more time to write.

A colleague of mine posted a tweet with some information about digital learning day and her tweet reminded me of a site someone mentioned in a webinar last summer.  They briefly mentioned SMORE as a tool to design flyers and posters.  I have been trying to create some sort of tech or library lesson for our students to help them use the tools we gave them for more than just playing games and skyping in class. I decided to try Smore to do just that.   I was really pleased.

Smore is a little like glogster. I can't monitor a whole class with smore, but, I can ask them for the link and see the outcome.  I like how versatile and easy to use it is.   I am going to try it with my French class.

You start off selecting a template for whatever it is you are doing.   It has a lot of options.  After you pick a template, you just plug information into it. You can input a lot of different things: images, text, titles, video, etc.  It makes a really nice presentation.  I created one for our student body about using the card catalog.  I did screen captures, uploaded them to smore and voila, I ended up with a fantastic presentation in little or no time at all.   I copied my text from a doc file that had been formatted and the program let the format for the text carry over.  Gotta like that.

If you need a quick presentation for a class, need a project idea, look into this.  I can see it being used by several content areas.

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