
Friday, August 23, 2013

Using GoAnimate for a Project

Often as teachers, we scramble to find something kids will like and find different than most things on the computer.  We want them to learn and expand their knowledge but enjoy doing that. I think sites like GoAnimate can do that.

My son showed me the site when he started 5th grade last year.  His teacher had them make a conversation between two presidents. I saw it again at a conference when a presenter talked about using it in her Foreign Language class as a mini project.  Her students wrote short conversations.  So, I made one.  It's in French, but check it out:
Greeting Video Fr. 2 by JenniferWells on GoAnimate
It took me about seven minutes to write the conversation.  The program directs you as to what steps to take to make it flow easily.  You can add music, voice, text, whatever.   Students can call in and record their voice or type the text and it builds the scenes around it.

You only get a certain number of credits when you create an account, so using the free version might only be done a few times during the course of a year.  I am not sure if you get credits added to your account for free.
One thing I noticed, is people can follow you like they do on twitter or on YouTube.  You can also export your videos to YouTube, if you pay for the service. I say, use the freebie until you can't anymore.

I have already decided my students will be doing a mini greeting project as a review of the year prior the first week of school.  They can incorporate a lot of vocabulary and skills by doing this.

Here are some other ways this could work:
1) A presidential interview.
2) A conversation between two or three people about a topic being covered in class.
3) A book talk. (The character can talk about the title and share what they liked about it, why, and such.)
4) A spoken summary of a chapter in the class. (There are props available)
5) A way to present a tutorial about something in an animated way.

Those are just a few... There are tons of other ways to use the program in the classroom.

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