
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blind date with a book, part 2

I posted recently that we were going to do Blind date with a Book in the library.  I had absolutely no idea how AMAZING it was going to be!  We finally came back to school two days ago.  We had wrapped books last week before the big storm hit, since we knew it was coming.   We started with maybe 10 or 12 titles that we were using as new releases that week.  Since Monday, we have already wrapped 20 more books.

We have been keeping track of our circulation statistics and we have checked out 18 books so far.  Some of you might be saying, 18 books, that isn't too many, but, we are a district of 200 7th-12th graders with only about 45 to 60 permitted to visit the library on any given day.   I have never, in my four years in the library seen such an overwhelming response to a theme!  It is amazing.

I have learned a few things with the concept. First of all, no series books unless it was book one.  A few of the books we grabbed were series books and some of them were later titles.  (Can't read a series if you haven't seen book one.)  Secondly, label books that are strictly female.  We had about five boys refuse to get books because they were afraid to get a girl book, so we labeled them as "Great guy reads" or Great Book for Boys too! We will see how much we get tomorrow!

I may have to rethink this and do another Blind topic (Don't judge a book by its cover or something like that!)

Overall, this is by far the best monthly promotion I have done. The students are really enjoying it and I am so excited to see it work.  Anyone out there thinking about a unique way to get kids reading something new, definitely consider doing a Blind Date with a Book theme.

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